Russvet School (Chalong)

MOE License in Process (Governor report 2024-07-15)

## International schools in Phuket, Thailand. Quality of education and admission to universities around the world. ### **Международные школы на Пхукете в Таиланде. Качество образования и поступление в ВУЗы мира.** [](oembed: Kamilla Medyarova, in Mikhail Bulanov’s podcast, shared all the details about international schools in Phuket, the quality of education, the admission of graduates of these schools to prestigious international universities, the cost of education, the training program and all the details. 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Well, like 15 minutes is something a long time to the beach Although before that it was how long there I’d rather stay at home I’m not going anywhere I won’t go anywhere Your package has given up and they’re staying \[music\] at home Hello everyone, we’re back on the podcast about money meters like save them and (00:47) increase And today my guest is Camilla Medrola, one of the founders of the school dawn, this is a private Russian school on chum salmon as we know education. Proximity to education - This is a very important factor for choosing real estate, it affects spontaneity, so we’ll talk today about just that what is education like in Phuket, including Russian-speaking, but everything in general Camilla is glad to welcome you Mutually greetings, can you tell us a little about yourself, how did you end up on chum salmon? I came up with the idea of opening a school here, I moved to (01:19) Thailand in 2005 and in September it will be 19 years since I have been living here, but my dad was the first in our family to move here. In the ninety-third year and last year it was 30 years since he already lives here, he is a jazz musician and I moved here in those years when there was an unstable time in Russia and they, as a whole jazz group, had already traveled almost the whole world by that time, and when they came here for the next jazz festival, they received an invitation to stay here to work, so almost my entire family lives here, my older sister lives here. (01:51) Pataya I have a Thai brother, I have two more younger sisters, they live in Bangkok So we have a big clan here, graph Yes Aty speak Thais, I speak basic Thai But you know at the restaurant level or find out the way Although I understand that I have a fairly large vocabulary and during negotiations I can understand 30 percent of what they are talking about, well, this is really surprising because I often come across people who have also lived for a long time, probably not like you, that is, there, but rather about 15 years, you can often meet people and they are directly conscious (02:21) they choose not to learn, which is not entirely clear to me; it’s quite difficult to learn the Thai language, it is intentional due to the fact that, after all, I come from a musical background; the language is easy, plus I feel such a small response with the Tatar language in terms of phonetics and is easy to pronounce the sounds are Thai, so knowing the Tatar language somehow it was easier for me to learn Thai. That is, you get three languages: Tatar Bashkir Russian English Thai, this is right down to the level of a polyglot. It’s interesting. Tell me, but you ended up here thanks to your father A (02:53) why school or what did you do before, how did you come to this, yes, I initially worked in latex companies and in 2005 we worked in a company that was the first to work on the Russian market and sell latex mattresses and pillows, this is just this is the Kuchuk that we have all over the island, even now you can see all these trees from the window. It seems to me that more than half of the island is planted with rubber trees. In general, there are a huge number of rubber plantations all over Thailand and a fairly profitable business because it is made from latex (03:28) they also make tires, condoms, latex nipples, the fact that we use the same latex gloves every day is all used just from the sap of the milky sap of the tree, natural rubber there which is more there I don’t know is less harmful probably as it likes against So you actually showed up in of this company What happened next? My husband and I went to Kachan Island, we lived there for 3 years, we had a store of latex cosmetics products and subsequently, in Pai, they opened a store of leather goods with exotic leather, sold it, moved to Ket, opened a store on Ket (04:08) exotic leather goods there was such a pass store at one time and for many, many years it turns out that since 2008 I have always had my own business and such a serial entrepreneur you turn out to be probably that’s what it’s called and at one time after my divorce from my husband I had a kind of period when I was deciding what to do. My friend at that moment, Nadezhda Zhuravleva, she opened a Russian school on the basis of one of the international schools; there was a branch where they taught children according to the Russian program, in parallel, integrated with (04:41) the Cambridge program, that is, the children studied according to the Cambridge program and in English and at the same time left optional Thai language lessons to study the Russian program, it was only four lessons a week, five lessons subsequently Russian literature, mathematics, the world around us, this was enough since the classes We were little to go through the entire school curriculum And we all talk right up to eleventh grade at the moment, you can study on the bouquet until the ninth grade and subsequently When the change occurred (05:14) management, she invited me to continue the development of this school, and at the moment, we have been working together for how long this or 8 years is already quite a lot and all these years We have worked on the basis of international schools, that is, in almost all international schools, we opened Russian language classes, rented our teachers somewhere, paid parents somewhere, this is our unique achievement, we introduced the study of Russian language and literature into the school curriculum, that is, this is not the case anywhere in Southeast Asia and in (05:48) in most schools this was an important decision for parents because children could simultaneously study in the Cambridge and Russian programs, in the American and in the Russian programs, that is, there are differences a little later, I think we’ll talk about the different programs that are presented on the bouquet and we offered parents training in two programs and this was very important. For many parents who wanted to receive two certificates in parallel while studying in two programs, that is, the whole world was open for children. They could (06:18) go to conditionally Moscow State University or I don’t know MIPT, it’s just a technical challenge for me to get closer and they could also go, I don’t know, to Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain and get an education there, that is, absolutely equivalent \[music\] interesting, I know that I’d rather spend more time in Dubai there are schools there and there is a British format, there is an American one, there is Switzerland. I remember there, in principle, everything is represented by quite strong schools and more often I heard that parents simultaneously combine with remote learning in Russian And from time to time children come to Russia (06:51) in order to take exams but at the same time there inside the school They study Well, a full-fledged foreign one But this also happens here, or is it just your format that is more close and understandable Well, here it’s immediately worth noting that we only opened the format of a full-fledged private Russian School last September and before that We worked specifically on the basis of international schools And now we teach children from the first to the ninth grade in all subjects that are required with the possibility of passing certification and most of our students do not even go (07:24) for this we go to Bangkok, since we pass the certification at the school at the embassy, teachers from the school at the embassy come to us on a bunch and they carry out the certification here and the kids are comfortable even here because there are probably so many relatives within their own walls there were conversations about distance learning during Covid and how everyone complained about how difficult it is to do it in person, it’s probably easier to keep children’s attention In the current reality, probably Absolutely true, and if we return to your question, here we had a conversation about exactly that (07:53) that online schools allow you to pass certification, of course, not in the ninth grade, but from the first to the eighth. Yes, of course, children can receive a certificate while studying in some international programs and in the ninth grade. Children will need to come to their hometown or to the school where they are assigned to take state certification exams in the ninth grade, because this always happens only in person, and there are a lot of different things: you need to come for an interview in February, undergo a semi-annual certification in December, and many other things (08:26) moments, therefore, the format of things in online schools is of course interesting for many parents, but for children it is a big burden and not all children can cope with it, so many parents eventually refuse, especially including taking exams in the ninth grade and in order to obtain a certificate, most of the parents I know or who have talked about this highlight training according to the Russian program to maintain the level of the Russian language, just imagine children come to school at 8 in the morning and leave from there at best at 4:00 in the afternoon (09:03) all this time they speak English, they come home, they talk to their parents in some basic Russian language, which when they come there, they present it. Well, that is, these are just such simple things that do not allow the formation of correct, beautiful, literate speech in this regard, training Russian language within the school curriculum within the curriculum during the school day allows children to maintain the level of the Russian language. But it does not always allow them to pass certification because the school at the embassy does not accept for certification those students who most often study in (09:35) international schools, that is, I don’t think that there must be a full-fledged education according to the Russian program. Only then we will allow you to take exams even if you think that you are already ready, yes they offer this option, but this form of passing exams is called external training Yes This is an extreme nature and of course you can try to enroll there, but for the most part the school at the embassy refuses such children because when they go to the exams, we end up getting rather weak results and they don’t like statistics (10:06) spoil your faithI obviously can’t say anything about their personal motives, but I can say that there are many conditions under which you can enroll in the school at the embassy, at the moment there are only two schools: this is the Pataya Diplomacy School and we with whom they cooperate in the format of conducting and enrolling students in external studies ru and therefore When children want to pass certification on their own, they say Go into the dawn and the children study with us We have a student who studies in the Cambridge program And on weekends he comes to us to study (10:42) in the main subjects at his school and this child will be certified at the end of the school year. Let’s talk a little in principle about language education there in Thailand, as I understand there are quite a few schools here, in principle, there between the ro I have employees there children go to a British school there, I know there are some others there. Star also has a British format, in my opinion, one gets the feeling that there are quite a lot of options for offering quality education, as far as my amateurish feeling corresponds to reality Yes, you (11:16) absolutely right, we have a large selection of international schools, not only that, we have several options for choosing programs and what programs generally influence. Yes, I’ll tell you now. Yes, there is a standard program in Russia in which all children study. Well, the Federal general education program is FOP A here parents have the opportunity to choose, they can choose the Cambridge program for their child, I can probably say briefly right away that Head Start is BC Kant and several other smaller schools, we have nine large schools and there are small schools, there is a format (11:54) the British program is the British School, these are the state British standards according to which there are American programs, this is ok and qsi, and now we have two Finnish schools that have opened and Finnish education is considered very strong, so there was a great response from parents on the island And at the same time it’s in English or Finnish in English not suddenly Yes, and many parents praise Finnish schools. I’ve heard real reviews that it’s really cool and interesting, so when parents come here, of course you need to choose based on many factors in (12:33) on average, everything is approximately the same in the Cambridge program, education is 13 years, in the American program it is 12 years, Cambridge program First grade is 5 years old, children are already going to first grade and therefore many parents are surprised how children graduate like this at 18 years old And after that they enter universities; there are also mixed programs in Thai schools where 70 to 30 to 50 to study the Thai language. Of course, it is much cheaper overall if we talk about the cost of education from 150. (13:09) 000 Baht up to one and a half million We can consider these options per year, we talked about different programs And what does this or that choice of program generally influence, that is, like usually The key task of parents is to allow the child to proceed further to a strong university What programs do you think are most suitable for I don’t know to get into Sorbo, for example, Cambridge, or any other European strong university? I would say that parents choose not based on the program, but rather on the cost of schooling and the infrastructure when visiting different (13:42) schools everywhere, of course, have their own strengths when choosing a program so that it is a little clear, let’s say when considering the American program in the last grades, children choose the subjects that they will take when entering universities, just like in the Cambridge one, the same scheme but According to the American program, for example, you can choose the levels of study of the subject, for example, a child does not like history at all and loves mathematics very much, in this case the child can choose, let’s say, take history at a basic level at (14:12) the minimum percentage that is necessary in order to be reflected in the certificate and choose to study mathematics that he likes up to the university level, most often teachers give a higher level of knowledge if necessary, the Cambridge program has standards in comparison with the American program when the child should pass certain program tests at the end of the academic year, you won’t jump higher, you just have to pass what you have according to Cambridge standards, so talk about what Which (14:47) choosing a program probably depends more on the university on the teaching staff, most often we look at the cost of education As parents, because not everyone can afford to educate their children at uwc or in the British where the cost of training is a million or one and a half million baht per year. even without any entrance fees, deposits and everything else, the second option is that parents can choose according to the specific composition, but probably these are some Parents who are very, very confused and thoughtful in this regard, and also parents choose according to (15:23) infrastructure When you come to British and see these tennis courts, football fields, swimming pools and everything else. Or let’s say the Bis school with which we are very close but we have been collaborating for many years, we are friends, our children studied there at one time in this school there is the first planetarium in the country and the second in Thailand. Just imagine your biology lessons take place in a planetarium where children see the structure of a worm On a huge dome This is amazing parents of course are into such things But if it comes down to the price, that is. If I understand correctly, the school is (15:59) here it’s about something on the order of $40,000 a year, this is both the lower grades and the high school, about this amount. Or how does it affect most often in all schools there is a gradation depending on age, the nursery classes go much lower, the high school graduation classes are higher in general, the same system is maintained in all schools because a larger number of teachers are involved. Well, yes, it’s logical. That is, I’m basically just trying to compare countries by British school because there are a lot of them, they’re understandable, they’re always usually one of the best there (16:31) suggestions that you can get there in the city it will be Bri School but 40,000 dollars is almost the Dubai price level, quite high, but I don’t know in or in Ho Chi Minh City it will also probably be 40,000 dollars, as I understand it, we will be talk about twenty, that is, more often it is still a little less, why is the price so high and such a high price for all schools or This is rather an exception for British, how does price correlate with quality? Indeed, this is a good offer and it is comfortable for children to study there British (17:00) School As in many schools, there is a race for the staff. This is a very important point that school management pays attention to and this is what many parents pay attention to, plus hunters are working to outbid teachers from one school to lure away the fight between schools for the same people who have already moved here, it’s interesting for a good team of players, there’s a really strong bat here. What is Roshi? That is, these are some expats from these countries. Maybe you can tell us a little more. No, they’re not expats, they’re Well, over time, they’re all (17:36) they become expats, these are teachers who either moved recently or have certain important qualifications, also the teaching staff Well, they are, as it were, strengthened by teachers with scientific degrees And this directly has a strong influence they live permanently or come so depends on the contract from the school depends on many factors there are schools in which the director changes consistently every 4 years, this is the rule of the school system, let’s say there is such a school qsi this is the structure they have branches in thirty countries of the world and more than fifty schools in (18:14) it is not as well known to the world as British Although it is quite widespread at a large level, it has geography, where the director changes every 4 years and perhaps the teaching staff is also connected with this, which also changes teachers, good ones cannot get cheap They get expensive plus this infrastructure, let’s say in the same British School they have, I can’t say for sure, but in my opinion, 12 tennis courts, all of this also needs to be maintained, that is, even if you transfer from an expensive private school in Moscow, I don’t know (18:48) there’s Gref, for example, and when you come here, you get a completely different scale of infrastructure and it’s true. Are there people who consciously choose precisely so that the child gets more access, I don’t know, to sports? That is, I heard that a lot of attention is paid to this. That’s right, a lot attention is paid to sports in most international Ket schools there are sports academies most often this is tennis swimming football is acceptable at the BC school they have the Paris Saint-Germain Football Academy \[music\] Wow, I heard from my friends who (19:22) children go there either here or in Dubai that more attention is paid not to obtaining chord knowledge, that is, to memorizing a large volume of formats. But trying to develop children, trying to raise their increase in relation to the study of the world, this something responds to what is happening or rather I hear them incorrectly Yes, here the children are more enthusiastic, they are more interested, they are not afraid to ask questions and the children are open and since the training takes place in English and most often these are children who come from different countries of the world (20:02) it turns out there is a mixing of culture, most of the children are just learning geography from their friends, this is such a cool story, my son has a huge number of friends who go to different countries for years, then they meet and tell where it was and who saw what. cool, but still returning to the efficiency of this process, if as a measure of efficiency we evaluate further admission to a strong university for further discovery of the whole world. (20:33) they are learning the hook for us. Well, somehow it still doesn’t fit in very well. That is, this is not the capital of some large state, after all, this is a Resort Island, and to what extent after school on a resort island you can enroll in a strong university, I didn’t I would like to make a strict connection here with the fact that this is a resort island school and eatsb school you get a service for which you pay a lot of money and the service is of high quality, in any case, children will be in almost all schools there are specialists called cons who help children with choosing a university, that is, most often (21:09) a child chooses a direction in high school, let’s say I now have a child studying in the Cambridge program in the ninth grade, he knows that he wants to enroll in the Faculty of Business in Singapore, for this purpose the consultant teacher who is now already communicating with him because in 2 years we will have intermediate exams and to take the exams you can choose from n to 12 subjects which in the thirtieth grade will be reduced to three or four subjects, it’s like a funnel and then with these exams the child will pass in the thirteenth (21:44) in the class, you can already enroll in an international university and now my son knows that he wants to go into business, he needs strong mathematics, strong English for this and it’s like 5 and 5 plus will choose to take the exam business economics and other subjects he will choose those that will simply add extra points to him, physical education, he chose history, geography because he likes it, and now we have seven subjects that he will take next time after passing the igcs, in 2 years he will already choose the rest (22:22) the subjects that he will need to enter the university and from this we are moving to any universities in the world that will accept at that time, fortunately we have 4 years because in the past 2 years due to a certain situation that has developed in the world Our Russian-speaking students were not very actively accepted into European and American universities. There was a situation where, for some reason, refusals came. Although everyone last year said everything was great, apply to us without any problems. It’s unpleasant, but there are alternative options. There are universities that don’t pay attention. (23:01) To this they understand that children in general are not involved in any way in the political situation and you can always find somewhere to enroll. And how strong is higher education in Southeast Asia? I suspect that here the influence of the red passport was less noticeable, as far as possible here, the same Singapore Hong Kong there are strong universities there that further open up the whole world. Of course there is, and in Malaysia the city of Sputnik, which has representation of almost all major European and American universities, is just a huge town where you can enroll in almost any university in (23:34) which you would dream of enrolling in, but it’s just located on the territory of Malaysia, it’s some kind of satellite of Lumpur. Yes, Lumpur is an absolutely amazing place, I really liked it there. The rich population has a lot of infrastructure and it’s not overpopulated, talk about the connection with Russian culture there. Our guide there was a woman who was a girl who arrived some number of years ago and in order to maintain a connection between children and the Russian language during Covid, she herself wrote a book about Malaysia in Russian and submitted it, in my opinion, to ECM (24:07) just trying to keep in touch with my children \[music\] I have quite a lot of friends who live there in several countries because due to there they either do some kind of import-export or Well, in general, the world has changed for them you need to move more And the children are also somehow forced to move with them, as in your practice, families maintain a connection with Russian culture. How they solve the problem. If they still chose education there, British or something strong. This is how you help them. solve the problem of communication with Russia Well, no (24:40) forgetting the language development let's talk a little about this in this regard, life on chum salmon was boring for quite a long time and at one time Nadya and my colleague decided to hold big holidays in cultural events. For the past 2 years we have held Sabantuy for which 2-3 people came, well, because it’s a culture close to me. Yes, and this year we will also hold it in June. And last year, for the first time, we held Maslenitsa with the complete burning of an effigy with all the things and all the paraphernalia, too. We had about 3,000 (25:15) guests have arrived, this is a completely free, non-profit project in which volunteers participate. If you want, we will be glad to see you all as guests, there are restaurants, children running around the meadow, animators, venues, gifts from sponsors, concert program, this is a very cool event, and it is important for many to preserve cultural connection for children and show the traditions that existed and just such events that we hold, they provide such an opportunity, and plus our great friends of the Art Of Event company in (25:53) this year they brought the Nutcracker ballet. If I’m correct, The Nutcracker and Swan Lake there were two performances on chum salmon and two in Bangkok. Such events also give children the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture. Such a mutual exchange is of course interesting, that is, partly adding up the situation leads to the fact that in Every major city in the world has a large Russian-speaking community that acts as an ambassador of culture. It seems to me quite good and raises the level of service quite often, which I also see in different countries. Tell me (26:21) this is where your school is physically located. We have two branches, one is located on and is aimed at winterers, that is, if you come for a short period, you can send your children for a period of one month and the children will study the full program. That’s what I’m talking about now just amazed, let’s even put the previous question on the shelf, that is, do you study at a school in Moscow, you came here, you don’t like this climate, this slush and so on, you came to beautiful sunny Phuket and somehow agreed with your school in (26:54) Russia You can give a child here at the same time Yes, for about a month or for different periods, now we have the opportunity to receive ninety day stamps at the entrance and therefore many parents come for 3 months and for these 3 months the child does not sit at home and parents had free time Yes, parents and not to deal with them themselves, a very important point is to let the professionals do their job when parents start teaching their children, relationships most often deteriorate. Maybe not for everyone, but there is such a tendency (27:29) that when parents start teaching children it does not lead to very good results, even if the teacher the parents themselves can be teachers, so the children can be sent to school and the children will study according to the same program that they studied most often at home as Schools in Russia are happy about this, because children come not with a hole in their heads, not with emptiness, but maintaining the pace and level of learning, and this is normal even in some older la I don’t know, there is a seventh eighth Yes, at the Northern branch here which (28:02) located in Bangtao, we currently teach only up to the seventh grade, this trend has developed precisely because of the request, the students of the eighth-ninth grade have never contacted us until the seventh grade, the parents of the children, apparently in yes, and then apparently teenagers who say I’m better at home I’ll stay, I won’t go anywhere. What for I gave up on your package and stay at home. Our second branch is located in the southern part. Where most of the expats live in general. The southern part of the island is oriented specifically for those who live for a longer period and in general (28:34) the southern part of the island is quite well developed in terms of infrastructure, there are a large number of international schools, hospitals, shopping centers, supermarkets, everything you need for life is also there, but there is nothing close to the sea because you still need to get to the nearest beach go get there in about 15 minutes It’s funny how people treat Well, like 15 minutes is something a long time to the beach Although before that it was how many days does it take to get there by plane all the way But here it’s no longer 15 minutes, well look I basically go to the sea Probably once a year and then (29:06) when I go to regattas, that’s why the sea for me is actually such a long process, I’ve never swam on chum salmon yet it’s worth fixing, at least there will be something to tell your \[music\] viewers about, I clearly saw that it’s like with the arriving wave people who chose Thailand there, they try to settle their children. They try to settle near schools and most often these are villas, and that’s all that was in direct access to the British or, well, to any of the large schools, it has really risen in price very much. How much do you feel that there people try (29:41) settle closer to your school or something else, here’s how it works Yes, that’s right, prices have risen a lot over the last year, even my landlord has increased the cost of education living in the house Although we signed this contract before Covid and the price was simply fabulous, now he saw that all his neighbors began to almost double the price and are also increasing it, so of course the school is Well, that’s how it happens that a city-forming enterprise here the school is the place around which Yes the center of attraction for those (30:19) who rents the premises? To what extent can children get to school on their own there? on this kind of logistics, of course, with the arrival of a large number of guests on the island in winter, traffic jams increase, so parents don’t always like wasting time on the road in such conditions. There is, of course, a shuttle bus that the school suggests that you can send the children, the bus leaves and collects several children along the way of exploration so the shuttle (30:51) bass is a good option for those who don’t want to travel on their own, that is, such a direct service from the school that eliminates problems for parents, of course, yes, in most schools, full service provides this and after-school activities, additional clubs, shuttle sections, bass, additional classes with You can also do tutoring on the school grounds and in general, about everything you would dream of, it will all be interesting there. Let’s talk about portraits of children there or families there that I don’t know, they study with you more often and there more often (31:24) are studying there in combination with yours in some British school in some other international school In our school, due to the fact that we opened It was on request last February When we had 20 families calling and talking every day that we are now moving to the bouquet Is there a Russian school for a full-fledged We very quickly orientated and opened the school already in September we had 17 students and by the New Year there were 105 m, this is growth Yes, it was such a fairly dynamic growth, but it was associated with certain situations that in September prompted (31:59) a huge number of people are urgently moving, so most often those who study at our school are those who went to Thailand to live in the last one and a half to two years, here is a very important point that I would like to draw attention to How parents choose a school because when moving to Thailand, parents have the opportunity to go to an international school or study with us, and when choosing an international school, parents are faced with the fact that children most often have an insufficient level of English, even if the mother (32:30) I spent all my efforts, money and efforts to ensure that the child spoke English, studied with a tutor for a long long time, this level will not be enough for the child to know English at a native level. But in order to get admitted, you need English at a native level no, for this not you need to know English at the native level just for these situations, almost all schools have a program called either eal or ESL English additional langage, it’s the same thing, but it’s just that in different schools it’s called differently for children after (33:03) testing determines either the English language class as a native speaker, this is if, say, Europeans moved here and they know the children English one way or another, most often it also happens to be mixed families where the father is European and the mother is Thai and of course these children speak in English in this case, the child goes to a regular class as a native speaker; children who move most often from the post-Soviet space of English either have some basic or completely absent language; such children, after testing, are sent to class E or (33:37) that is, during the English language level, well, there the English language lesson of the children is divided into two classes and some are taught from the base, raising the level of English to a good advanced level; yes, it’s probably unlikely that you can come in the tenth and again pull off English in order to finish the tenth and eleventh. And in such situations, most often schools recommend learning English first and then come, let’s say I know that I was in British (34:05) such a precedent was when a girl was brought in in high school and, without studying at British, she simply worked as a teacher, living on campus for a whole year, her parents left her here in high school, she lived on campus herself, went to lessons in a year, learned English to the required level and then I went on to study according to the program But these and and you said yes They are up to the sixth fifth like that’s when the cutoff most often there are no such restrictions you will most likely be accepted into any class but in the end the children most often study immersion (34:42) Immersion in the language from 3 months to 2 years, that is, be prepared for the fact that from 3 months to 2 years your child will study only advanced English in order to reach an advanced level, of course, he will also study other subjects, but Let’s say if we don’t know how to say a square or a circle in English, it will be difficult for the child to understand what the teacher is saying. That’s why when parents come to the bouquet, they decide to give the child these two stressful years at a time when he will have language immersion, but in the future (35:14) the child will be English or if they themselves are not sure whether they will stay in Thailand for a long period and whether they plan to live at all, maybe not in Thailand but in any other country abroad when the parents decide on this issue and this is exactly where the decision to send the child to an international school comes to an end lu and there we cope with all these difficulties of the English language. Or we think that maybe now in a year or two we will return to Russia and so that the child does not have passes for the program, they come to study with us because they study with us (35:44) they can safely return to Russia and continue their studies in the same class, this is exactly my cry that I would like to convey to parents Please pass the certification annually Because there are often situations when children come to Russia and parents are like Well, okay, we are there something happened online, they didn’t pass the certification, or they studied with tutors at home on their knees, studied the certification, it doesn’t pass and then he comes to his school and the school says where have you been for 2 years, you now have to pass the exams for the fourth and fifth grade in order to (36:14) enroll in the sixth or go straight back to the fourth year, study for a year, pass the certification and it turns out that the Child just studied for 2 years and now he will need to pass all these subjects, I also have some kind of training program within the company I am now I’m trying to actively implement the same gpt chat for everyone to use, it saves a lot of time, I have the efficiency of the person who uses it and does not use it at all. Cosmic in the difference, that’s how much What current trends are penetrating into Kuketskaya (36:48) schools Yes, many schools are trying to use modern methods; many schools are now moving away from using paper versions of textbooks. I hope that over time, of course, this will be everywhere. Because when I see how much my son’s textbooks weigh, I just feel bad for him. look, the backpack just weighs 15 kilograms, probably every day that’s all wearing sports, that’s what he says Yes, but I’m actually in favor of having textbooks in electronic form over time. Although many parents complain that vision is deteriorating even during the Covid period for many (37:25) children’s eyesight has decreased, what I heard from my friends is that it’s important there, that is, if you communicate with anyone and a person from the CIS at a meeting, quite few people know how to make presentations. That is, you will have very basic graphics of some kind there won’t be any templates; there’s just no sense of beauty, but it’s immediately readable enough not to reflect the person’s training and inability to either make a presentation visually or tell a self-presentation at the same time, here are my friends who have children studying there in Dubai. And they’re right in the process (37:58) training is built in a lot of the fact that the children themselves draw presentations and speak in front of the class, break through this fear of speaking, that’s how much And such things are now being implemented like here in science or maybe there is already there or you have such a system implemented in In many schools, during drama lessons, this is such an interesting moment when children, what do we think when we present a drama lesson? There they are, all these skits of the production. But they learn there to make self-presentations oratory writing essays. And this is also very (38:30) important when applying to a university You will need to write an essay and the kids are just training in this direction, even among the advanced ones, of course, using gpt chat, it is already being implemented in many schools not only by students who ask to decide for them Yes, but also by teachers who making presentations in the gpt chat preparing for a lesson at the end of last year we won two important prizes we received a special reception from the Ministry of Education Yes, and the second prize is the Pushkin Prize among all Russian and international schools we received the Pushkin Prize as the best (39:11) Russian-language schools abroad and in the format of receiving this award we were invited to the Mashuk knowledge center in Pyatigorsk and one of the readers, one of the speakers, he talked about the use of gpt chat in the training program for teachers and school principals and it was a great experience which we have now handed over to our teachers and our teachers. I really hope they have already started preparing for lessons using gpt chat and there are a lot of cool things there that could be used specifically to make the work of teachers easier because (39:49) that every day there, for example, make a presentation You throw a hop in there and everything works out, it really speeds up a lot. And how much do you struggle with the fact that the most advanced children do their homework, so at the moment our parents are still monitoring these moments and teachers they talked about how the kids come and he brings a well-written text without mistakes. Well, it’s clear that it wasn’t written by a child. Therefore, in such situations, teachers, in view of their experience, can still track such moments. Well, yes, that is, I (40:21) one of the most frequently used functions is I say Dear cha gpt please rewrite it in normal English because what I wrote turns out to be not very convenient to insert some other contracts That is, he is just like that in terms of vocabulary he it will obviously be better there and you check the meanings that there probably \[music\] is more important as far as you can see that the parents are knocking out They paradise there Ket specifically as a place in terms of education and among other places, that is, how important this is when choosing a location, most likely here (40:52) there is a combination of Pleasant and useful being on chum salmon from all sides for parents because here the sea and well-developed infrastructure and schools here are more of a basic need than an option for choosing a place, few people will choose Bangkok although there is a significant choice of schools more simply because it is a big city there Concrete jungle there is no sea and in general parents, when moving, choose to improve the conditions of choice, let’s say the same Bangkok would hardly be a changing factor or there is a strong hook there (41:39) a school whose admission statistics for an international university was definitely a factor. That is, I have several friends who chose to stay in Dubai purely because of the format of education. I have something about Phuket. I’m more skilled. There’s less creativity here for those who moved; the second option is I I know people who stayed in Pura for the same reason, British education is cheaper there and the quality of life is why school is a super important factor, as if it seems like returning to your business as a business. Tell me, how do you manage to hire a teacher for (42:07) why did you receive this award? How did you put together such a staff? How did you do it? Finding teachers is such a rather difficult task, and we also faced the fact that our teachers were bought out to other schools and in general this is painstaking work together with, among others with our head teacher Yes, we are looking for teachers from Russia and transporting them here for our tasks, this is quite difficult because quite often there are teachers on the island who have moved, or let’s say this year, seeing our success last year, six opened (42:45) other Russian schools But there are situations when the teacher says I am a methodologist by education, I will teach children from the first to the ninth grade, even to teach a child in the ninth grade, you need different subject teachers chemistry biology physics geography history social studies a huge number of subjects and cannot a methodologist who, in general, is not a teacher with a specialty in teaching children from the first to the ninth grade, so what we are proud of is our strong teaching staff for each subject, we have a subject book and by the way (43:20) Now we are applying for accreditation from the Russian Ministry of Education and will be able to conduct the EG ourselves, and as I understand it, we will be either the fourth or fifth school in the world. Who will receive accreditation abroad? Let’s try to summarize this: what is the situation with schools? there is, firstly, the first Great option, you can give your child time to your school for the winter to support further if How to choose as the main place of residence, then again That is, you can receive a full education according to Russian standards at your school you can give (43:51) a child to a foreign school, but at the same time, at the same time, you have to receive a certificate there for Russian education. It will cost approximately how much it will cost approximately. What is the order of prices in general, good international schools cost from five to 50,000 dollars a year average price tag the tone that in general we are all focused on as parents, we don’t take the lowest price level, it’s about 150 each. (44:17) 000 Baht where the Filipinos who are trained as physical educators teach mathematics teach such options. In principle, we probably don’t consider this, it’s unlikely that this is your audience, but there is an option for an average base price - This is about 400,000 baht per year, which is about 133,000 dollars again - not counting the entrance fees and deposits, let’s also talk about the price more precisely, that is, the family decided to move to Phuket, she wants to go to an international school and at the same time maintain her studies there with a Russian education, what kind of education do they have? (44:46) there will be the full cost of all this, considering that there are some transfers there, there are textbooks, it’s difficult for me to talk here. I went to school for a long time and I don’t have children, so Tell me, guide me along the path of the full cost of not owning real estate, but the full the cost of educating a child in Hook, all schools have entrance fees and refundable deposits in general, they vary from 50 ssya Baht to 150 ssya Baht - this is the amount you give to the school and most likely forget, but you can also return it by observing the conditions specified in the contract (45:19) this is not a bribe from the director No, it’s unlikely that anyone will take you through a bribe because in the past 2 years we have encountered a huge number who came to the island and in all schools. Let’s say there was a big queue last year when I decided to transfer my child From one school to another I had to try very, very hard because in all schools the waiting list was about 10 students; when they arrived for a specific class, that is, they immediately spent 4. (45:47) $000 for entrance fees and deposits is excellent, then you enroll in school. Well, let’s average there, the average cost of education is 400,000 Baht per year and you can pay for it live in trimesters in Thailand, education in international schools takes place in trimesters, three payments, that is, every 4 months. You pay 3-4 dollars there. That's right. Yes, there is a separate payment for textbooks; in some schools, textbooks are included in the price of some; you need to buy a set of textbooks every year in high school it turns out to be somewhere around 20,000 Baht. This is about 700 (46:24) dollars if you buy further School uniform is about 34,000 baht And let’s say 100 bucks also food is most often included in the price TL bass transfer is paid separately and it happens about 100 bucks a month in total Probably these are all the expenses that you have, in addition to clubs and sections, clubs and sections are paid additionally, they can vary depending on the school, that is, in order to study at this Saint-Germain football school you will have to pay additionally. Moreover, it is difficult to enter there and (46:58) your education is still working out there. What kind of price tag do you have? I can’t say about the format when children would combine education in two schools. Because that experience: When our student studied in parallel in two programs, he works with our teachers as with tutors Yeah yeah so the cost of tutoring services is 1. (47:21) 000 Baht per lesson and in general knowing what needs to be passed There are five subjects you need to study in these five subjects with teachers for a year, it’s difficult to calculate in general education at our school costs about 700 dollars per month and is paid separately food section mugs is 700 for 9 months or is it 700 Umno for 12 de for nine, respectively, we have a fork, that is, we spend approximately and in total there is 4. (47:49) 000 of various things approximately If you sum it all up, I don’t know, somewhere 15,000 dollars for a clear school Completely Quite in a year or there you can And you also have some kind of entrance fee, probably Yes, it’s small 10,000 baht is the entrance fee which we transfer to the Ministry of Education to enroll a child in the Thai education system and there is a refundable deposit that is equal to the amount of one month. Well, that is, it’s about half the price of self-study, and there the entrance fee is not that kind of significant compared to international schools. Well, that is, this (48:16) gives access to Well, a large number of people there with different incomes get access to quality education Yes, that’s right, it’s interesting, that is, in principle it looks like a very interesting proposal to give a child more opportunities to see the whole world and, as I understand it, it’s also important the story is that children are immersed together in different cultures, that’s how much you notice that this stressful thing is happening, children are having a hard time with moving and Over the past year and a half, due to the fact that anxiety not only among parents but also among (48:46) children are quite high We see that moving for children is much more difficult, but the result of all this, the result of all this is quite good, by the way, teaching in English in our school is higher than in state standards because we understand that it is possible for some children they will go to study in international schools and we prepare them in this format, also children study in a Russian school and with enhanced English they can additionally take tutors and eventually transfer to an international school and without experiencing as much stress as it would be (49:21) if the child immediately went to an international school and you yourself invest something here Yes, I bought an apartment in Aqua, uh, what’s in Aqua Aqua here, behind the Velo market on Tao Bank, how did you choose this, listen, I know that The Laguna area is quite cool and there will always be a demand for housing in the Lagoon and due to the fact that the owners are a developer bot Patan who we are on Yes yes yes we held Maslenitsa on their territory and of course we have super conditions there so this nepotism in Asia is always good T or let's call it networking that's of course correct you (50:03) do you plan to further invest in some real estate here in general? Yes, I want to build a house for myself and live in it happily ever after because the house that I am currently renting has actually been for 3 years. I have already paid such a good enough 1/6 from the cost of the same house, here the profitability here of houses especially close to schools, I also heard very good, and especially if you get some kind of upgrade Kamila Thank you very much, it was interesting to hear about what is happening with schools on chum To be honest, I didn’t even know the level of immersion of Russian culture (50:34) that it’s going on so actively there inspires joy Thank you for the interesting dialogue, we’ll definitely see you at your next Maslenitsa or Sabantuy and thank you for inviting \[music\] --- Камилла Медярова в подкасте Михаила Буланова поделилась всеми подробностями про международные школы на Пхукете, качество образования, поступление выпускников этих школ в престижные международные вузы, стоимостью образования, программой обучения и всеми подробностями. 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Качество образования и поступление в ВУЗы мира. - YouTube Transcript: (00:00) на букете можно обучаться до девятого класса Богатое население много инфраструктуры и оно не перенаселенность вот такие варианты как к этому относится школа в России рады Потому что дети приезжают не с дыркой в голове не с пустотой а сохраняя Темпо и уровень обучения Забавно как люди же относятся Ну типа 15 минут что-то долго долго до пляжа Хотя до этого это было сколько там я лучше дома останусь никуда не поеду нафиг не Ваш пакет сдался и остаются \[музыка\] дома Всем привет мы снова в подкасте про деньги метры как их сохранить и (00:47) приумножить И сегодня у меня в гостях Камилла медрола одна из основателей школы рассвет это частная русская школа на кете как мы знаем образование Близость к образованию - Это очень важный фактор для выбора недвижи это влияет непосредственность поэтому поговорим сегодня как раз о том что же из себя представляет образование на Пхукете в том числе русскоязычное но и всё в целом Камилла рад тебя приветствовать Взаимно Приветствую можешь немножко рассказать о себе как ты вообще оказался на кете пришла к идее открыть здесь школу я переехала в (01:19) Таиланд в 2005 году и вот в сентябре уже будет 19 лет как я здесь проживаю но первым в нашей семье сюда переехал Мой папа В девяносто третьем году и в прошлом году было 30 лет как он уже здесь живёт он джазовый музыкант и Переехал сюда в те года когда в России было нестабильное время и они Всем джазовым коллективом к этому моменту уже про объехали почти весь мир и Приехав сюда на очередной джазовый фестиваль они получили приглашение остаться здесь работать поэтому практически вся моя семья здесь живёт сестрёнка старшая в (01:51) Патая У меня есть тайский брат есть ещё две младшие сестрёнки они живут в Бангкоке Так что у нас тут большой клан графия Да Аты говоришь по Тайс я разговариваю на базовом тайском языке Но знаете на уровне ресторана или узнать дорогу Хотя понимаю что достаточно большое словарный запас и на переговорах могу понять процентов 30 о чём идут ну это прямо удивительно потому что я часто сталкиваюсь с людьми кто тоже долго прожил наверное не как ты то есть там но скорее про 15 лет нередко можно встретить людей и они прямо осознанно (02:21) выбирают не учить что мне не совсем понятно достаточно сложно учить тайский язык он интенционный ввиду того что всё-таки я из музыкальной семь язык легко даётся плюс к этому я чувствую такой небольшой отклик с татарским языком в плане фонетики и легко произносить звуки тайские поэтому зная татарский язык как-то мне было проще учить тайский То есть у тебя получается три языка татарский башкирский русский английский тайский это прямо уже уровень полиглота интересно Расскажи а вот ты оказалась типа здесь благодаря отцу А (02:53) почему школа или чем ты до этого занималась как ты к этому пришла да я изначально работала в латексных компаниях и в 2005 году мы в работали в компании которые первые начали работать на русский рынок и продавать латексные матрасы и подушки это как раз вот тот Кучук который по всему острову у нас находится даже сейчас из окна видно все эти деревья Мне кажется сколько там больше половины острова засажено каучуковым деревьями в целом это по всему таиланду огромное количество каучуковых плантации и достаточно выгодный бизнес потому что из латекса (03:28) делают и шины презервативы латексные соски то что мы ежедневно используем те же самые латексные перчатки это всё используется как раз из сока Млечного сока дерева натуральная резина там которая более там не знаю менее вредная наверное как любит протива Вот ты собственно показалась в этой компании Что было дальше дальше мы с мужем уехали на остров качан прожили там 3 года у нас был магазин латексных изделий косметики и впоследствии в паю там открыли магазин кожаных изделий экзотической кожи продали его переехали на Кет открыли на кете магазин (04:08) кожаных экзотических изделий был такой в своё время магазин пасс и много-много лет получается вот с 2008 года у меня всегда был собственный бизнес и такой прям серийный предприниматель ты получается наверное так это называется и в своё время после развода с мужем у меня был как бы такой период когда я определялась чем заниматься моя подруга к этому моменту Надежда Журавлёва она открыла русскую школу на базе одной из международных школ там был филиал где обучали деток по русской программе параллельно интегрировано вместе с (04:41) кембриджской программой то есть дети занимались по кембриджской программе и на английском языке и параллельно уходили с необязательных уроков тайского языка заниматься русской программой это было всего четыре урока в неделю пять уроков впо